I asked myself many times, Is it positive what we are doing with our local Coliving Community? For some people could be positive, for others I´m sure not…
Many locals are asking themselves, How are we going to keep our identity with so many new people coming to the islands? There is not an easy answer to that question…
But maybe the first question we should ask ourselves as locals is, What does it mean to be from the Canaries?
The Canary Islands is in the middle of the “Planet” Our identity is a mix of many different cultures from Africa, Europe, and America, oppennes is probably at the heart of our identity since the islands were conquered by Europeans…
In EcoIsleta we work to help others to understand who we are and what makes our identity unique…
Canarian Food Workshop
We have done a few Canarian dinners and workshops about local food this winter, this is an easy way to understand our identity, through Gofio, Almogrote, or Papas Arrugadas.
I love the conversations that come up after dinner, many about local impact. As I said before many Remote workers are asking themselves the same questions and looking for answers everywhere.
Sustainability is another topic we usually talk about in these dinners, and I simply love it, because that´s another goal of our dinners, to start talking about it…
To be honest, for me, It´s difficult to find an easy and not boring way to talk about sustainability, so far dinners are our answer to this problem…

Highlight – The help of many colivers to prepare and cook the dinners, in the above picture Cornelia and Rita prepare a great dinner together, but also Alex or Ivar…
Vegan Dinner
As usual, we also organized some vegan dinners, we cooked Vegan Paella for 17 people in the house…

Our Book
In February we celebrated in our Neighborhood the Day of La Isleta on 26 of February and we had the opportunity to present our book for this festivity.
ConoceLaIsleta-Comunidad is a book about the identity and community of our neighborhood.
La Isleta has one of the strongest local communities in the Canary Islands, with a unique identity giving personality to the city…
Our history is related to the La Luz Port, and historically we have been a worker’s neighborhood.

More trees, less concrete…
Also for The Day of La Isleta, we helped to plant trees in the Neighborhood and it was great fun to collaborate and help in this important activity.
Our neighborhood’s lack of parks and green areas is something we have been claiming for too many years…
There was a vermicomposting workshop and some people learned how to turn in compost their remaining food.