Too many times I´ve heard from different people that our community values and goals are impossible…
“You are crazy”, “You are not going to get that”, “Are you kidding”… Even some colivers think so, which is tough because they are supposed to come to our community because of our values…
For many years in my life, I thought big goals would lead me to get nothing, to waste my time. I used to think, If I don’t achieve it, sooner or later I´ll quit…
That mindset helped me to live an easy life, with everything under control, not too much adventure… But in the long run, I have learned that easy goals don’t help me to discover who am I…
EcoIsleta Coliving
For some reason, I keep working for goals that are out of my possibilities, or extremely difficult to achieve…
Many people think that Zero Waste Coliving is impossible. Even when we opened the first organic shop in our neighborhood, people laughed at us, no joke. And what about working for a sustainable neighborhood…
Maybe I can´t turn our neighbourhood into a sustainable place but working for it, is a dream come true…
Community vibrations…
These last few months have been quite intense in our community, with some amazing groups of colivers living together.
Thanks to them we have done hikes, workshops, dinners, and movies. Don´t think we did one activity a day, or something like that, I´m talking about 2 months doing one activity a week…
Some of them work very well and some of them didn´t work at all. We are not afraid of making mistakes, sometimes when we try very local activities or not very popular dinners, anything could happen…
For example, we try our most local dinner, “Ropa Vieja Canaria” but in a vegan version, a delicious dinner that took more than 2 hours to cook. Ropa Vieja is not on many restaurant menus, it takes too long to cook, also it is too local…

But it is probably the real taste of the Canary Islands, together with Sancocho…
Colivers didn´t like it, and they did other activities, honestly, not too many people thought it was worth it… Come on, I know, what is “Ropa Vieja” definitely doesn’t sound like Paella
We stand for a community that works to help you understand our culture, not the “marketing culture” we have built for the last 50 years based in Colombus and other fake cultures for tourists…
We work for other values, like it or not is our identity as a Coliving and as islanders…
Sometimes I think we have gone too far with our sustainable practices and also as you can see sometimes we go too far with our local propositions… This is a question I asked myself many times…
But we believe in our values, our culture, our identity and we have to keep working in that direction… with an open community to everyone sharing our values…
Small coliving = intimate dinners

We had the pleasure of having a dinner made by one of our members, Daniel, he is a real chef… We ate everything, I mean he did it with love, and also he worked very hard to make everything delicious, we can only say thank you for cooking for all of us, we loved that dinner…
By the way, he was working while cooking, I couldn´t believe it…
It is quite impressive to see how some groups of colivers develop a very good relationship in a few weeks, there is an article about our Coliving in Travel and Tapas giving some clues about us…
Travel and Tapas “As a smaller coliving, with no host living in the house, the community grows close together pretty quickly. There is a strong family feeling, but not from the cliche “we are a family” perspective, but from the perspective of a real raw family.“
Paella dinner
We also had some Paella dinner… with the help of many of the people that came to the dinner. I had an excellent time and the conversations were great…
Sometimes I compare community with surfing in the sea, some days conditions are not good, for many different situations, but other days the waves are beautiful, the wind is perfect, and the sun shining…
Let´s take another wave...